1. SSH Key 생성

    ssh-keygen -t rsa 
   > 경로는 /.ssh/id_rsa && 덮어쓰기
   > 암호에서 그냥 enter
    ssh-keygen -t dsa 
   > 경로는 /.ssh/id_dsa && 덮어쓰기
   > 암호에서 그냥 enter

2. HMC로 생성된 Key 복사
 # vi reg_key.sh
   mykey=`cat $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`
   ssh hmc.domain.com -l hmcuser mkauthkeys -a \"$mykey\" 
 # ./reg_key.sh
 #  /usr/bin/ssh hscroot@hmc.domain.com "ls"

*. 참조

passAIX ssh client to pSeries HMC

Document Author:

Steven Knudson

Document ID:


Doc. Organization:

Advanced Technical Skills

Document Revised:


Product(s) covered:

# 7040-671; # 7040-681; # 7040-681 Model p690; # 7315-co1

Abstract: How to configure AIX ssh client to access pSeries HMC, with keyed encryption, without passwords

SSH Scenario (ver 1.2)
    A Scenario - AIX ssh client to pSeries HMC

    The ultimate objective - A script to run on AIX, that sends commands via ssh into the HMC to collect information about the HMC, the systems managed by the HMC, and the LPARs in those systems. Want this script to run without prompting for the password of the HMC user. Key elements of the solution:

    • ssh server configuration already on the HMC
    • Openssl RPM to be retrieved and installed on AIX client
    • Openssh installp fileset to be retrieved and installed on AIX client
    • aixuser on AIX client generates public and private keys (ssh-keygen)
    • aixuser on AIX client transfers public key to user on HMC (scp)
    • aixuser on AIX client runs script that sends ssh commands to HMC
    • sample script
    • Literature References
    1. Openssl RPM retrieve and install on AIX client

    Go to LINUX Toolbox for AIX Applications - Cryptograpic Content
    Register yourself, and retrieve the following OpenSSL RPMS:

    • openssl-0.9.6k-1.aix4.3.ppc.rpm (1.3MB)
    • openssl-devel-0.9.6k-1.aix4.3.ppc.rpm (optional 1.14MB)
    • openssl-doc-0.9.6k-1.aix4.3.ppc.rpm (optional 421KB)
    Ignore that these have aix4.3 in their names. As root on AIX, place them in a directory (e.g., /usr/sys/inst.images) and install:
    rpm -i openssl-0.9.6k-1.aix4.3.ppc.rpm
    2. Openssh fileset retrieve and install on AIX client

    Go to OpenSSH on AIX Images Project: Summary
    Retrieve file openssh361p2_51.tar.Z (for AIX 5.1) or openssh361p2_52.tar.Z (for AIX 5.2) and place it in a directory (e.g., /usr/sys/inst.images). As root on AIX, do 

    cd /usr/sys/inst.images
    uncompress ./openssh361p2_51.tar.Z
    tar -xvf./openssh361p2_51.tar
    inutoc .
    smitty install

    Be sure to select 
    yes to accept new license agreements. 
    3. aixuser on AIX client generates public and private keys (ssh-keygen)

    Login to AIX client machine as the designated aixuser
    mkdir /home/
    ssh-keygen -t rsa
    ssh-keygen -t dsa

    Allow the keys to be stored in the default file location (/home/
    aixuser/.ssh/id_rsa), and press just press enter for no passphrase at the passphrase prompts. After these commands run, you will have public and private rsa and dsa keys:
    ls -l /home/
    total 40
    -rw------- 1 
    aixuser staff 736 Oct 02 11:27 id_dsa
    -rw-r--r-- 1 
    aixuser staff 602 Oct 02 11:27 id_dsa.pub
    -rw------- 1 
    aixuser staff 963 Oct 02 11:28 id_rsa
    -rw-r--r-- 1 
    aixuser staff 222 Oct 02 11:28 id_rsa.pub
    Proper permissions here are 600 for the private key files, and 644 for public key files. Private keys are to be protected. Public key files will be transferred to servers that 
    aixuser wants to login to. 
    4. aixuser on AIX transfers public keys to user on HMC

    aixuser on AIX will login as hmcuser on HMC, then transfer his public keys from the AIX system to the HMC
    ssh hmc.domain.com -l 
    hmcuser (answer prompt for hmcuser'spassword.)
    cd .ssh
    scp -p 
    aixuser@aix.domain.com:/home/aixuser/.ssh/*.pub .(answer prompt for aixuser's password).
    cat *.pub >> ./authorized_keys2 
    (catenate aixuser's public keys ontohmcuser's authorized keys file)

    HMC code level 3.2.5 and above, the .ssh subdirectory for an HMC user is owned by root, and difficult to write keys into by the method above. Instead, do the following as aixuser on the aix system: 
    mykey=`cat $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa.pub`
    ssh hmc.domain.com -l 
    hmcuser mkauthkeys -a \"$mykey\" 
    5. aixuser runs script on AIX, which sends ssh commands to HMC

    The script that follows is our example. aixuser answers prompt for passphrase required by keyfile, then script sends ssh commands to hmc machine specified.

    # hmclook -m hmchostname -l hmcuser 



    while getopts m:l: option
    case $option in
    m) hmc="$OPTARG";;
    l) user="$OPTARG";;

    echo "HMC Information:"
    echo ""
    ssh $hmc -l $user 'date'
    ssh $hmc -l $user 'hostname'
    echo ""
    ssh $hmc -l $user 'lshmc -n'
    echo ""
    ssh $hmc -l $user 'lshmc -r'
    echo ""
    ssh $hmc -l $user 'lshmc -v'
    echo ""
    echo "Managed systems/frames:"
    ssh $hmc -l $user 'lssyscfg -r sys --all'
    echo ""
    echo "frame content - LPARS, profiles, etc.:"
    for frame in `ssh $hmc -l $user "lssyscfg -r sys --all" | grep -v ^Name |awk '{print $1}'`
    echo frame $frame:
    ssh $hmc -l $user "lssyscfg -r lpar -m $frame --all"
    echo ""
    echo Memory in LPARs:
    echo "allocated free lmb_size max min partition system partition_name"
    ssh $hmc -l $user "lshwres -r mem -m $frame --all" | grep -v ^allocated
    echo ""
    for lpar in `ssh $hmc -l $user "lssyscfg -r lpar -m $frame --all" | grep -v ^Name | awk '{print $1}'`
    ssh $hmc -l $user "lssyscfg -r prof -m $frame -p $lpar --all -z"
    echo ""

    6. Literature References

    From http://www.redbooks.ibm.com

    • Castro, et. al.,"Managing AIX Server Farms," SG24-6606-00, June 2002, Chapter 4.
    • Barker, et. al.,"Effective System Management Using the IBM Hardware Management Console for pSeries," SG24-7038-00, August 2003, Chapter 9.

    From http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks (search for "authentication")
    • Common threads: OpenSSH key management, Part 1
    • Common threads: OpenSSH key management, Part 2


Hardware; Software; Solutions


Operational Management


Enterprise Application Solutions (EAS/ERP)


IBM System p Family




openssh, ssh, encryption, LPAR, hmc, chhwres, lssyscfg

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+. Director Server Task log 정리
/opt/ibm/director/lwi/bin/lwilog.sh -refresh  > director server에서 collectinv 시 로그 정리
      tail -f /opt/ibm/director/lwi/logs/error-log-0.html

블로그 이미지



- http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/director/pubs/topic/com.ibm.director.discovery.helps.doc/fqm0_t_discovering_systems_mirrored_image.html?resultof=%22%44%69%73%63%6f%76%65%72%69%6e%67%22%20%22%64%69%73%63%6f%76%22%20%22%73%79%73%74%65%6d%73%22%20%22%73%79%73%74%65%6d%22%20%22%75%73%65%22%20%22%75%73%22%20%22%6d%69%72%72%6f%72%65%64%22%20%22%6d%69%72%72%6f%72%22%20%22%69%6d%61%67%65%22%20%22%69%6d%61%67%22%20

Discover를 위해서는 UID, GUID, SSH 가 모두 unique해야 함

Discovering systems that use a mirrored image

Systems that are cloned (or use a mirrored image) and managed by must be correctly configured to ensure their successful discovery.

To discover cloned systems, they must be configured in the following ways:
  • All cloned systems must have a unique identifier (UID).
  • Each cloned Common Agent managed system must have a globally unique identifier (GUID).
  • Any cloned system that uses Secure Shell (SSH) must have a unique Secure Shell (SSH) host key.
To discover cloned systems, perform the following steps.
Note: You can also use the reset_diragent_keys command to perform these steps. See "reset_diragent_keys command" for information.
  1. For the specified mirrored systems, view and compare the UID entries on the host and the mirrored system to ensure that the UID entries are unique. For Common Agent managed systems, perform a similar comparison for the Tivoli® GUID entries.
    AIX®LinuxFor Platform Agent managed systems, run the following command: od -t x1 /etc/ibm/director/twgagent/twgagent.uid
    For Common Agent managed systems, run the following command:
    • For AIXLANG=C;/usr/tivoli/guid/tivguid -Show
    • For LinuxLANG=C;/opt/tivoli/guid/tivguid -Show
    IBM® i (formerly i5/OS®)
    Note: Some characters are not readable.
    For Platform Agent managed systems, run the following command: DSPF STMF('/etc/ibm/director/twgagent/twgagent.uid')

    For Common Agent managed systems, run the following command: DSPF STMF('/etc/TIVGUID')

    Note: Alternatively, use the following command to create a spoolfile that contains the viewable TIVGUID: SBMJOB CMD(CALL PGM(QCASNATIVE/GUID) PARM('-show')) JOBD(QCPMGTDIR/QCPMGTDIR)
    WindowsFor all mirrored systems, compare the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName\TWGMachineID
    Note: The UID is displayed in reverse byte order.

    For Common Agent managed systems, from the \Program Files\tivoli\guid directory, run tivguid.exe -Show.

  2. For all mirrored systems, delete the UID entry that might have been duplicated.
    AIXLinuxRun the following command: rm -f /etc/ibm/director/twgagent/twgagent.uid
    IBM i (formerly i5/OS)Remove the following file: /etc/ibm/director/twgagent/twgagent.uid
    WindowsFor all mirrored systems, delete the following value in the registry:

    ComputerName\ComputerName key
    Value: TWGMachineID

    For Common Agent managed systems, from the C:\Program Files\IBM\Director\agent\runtime\agent\bin\ directory, run endpoint.bat stop

  3. For Agentless managed systems, proceed to step 4. For Common Agent managed systems generate a new Tivoli GUID and a new UID. ForPlatform Agent managed systems, generate a new UID:
    AIXLinuxRun the following command:
    • For AIX/opt/ibm/director/bin/genuid
    • For Linux/opt/ibm/platform/bin/genuid

    And, for Common Agent managed systems, also run the following commands:

    1. /opt/ibm/director/agent/runtime/agent/bin/endpoint.sh stop
      • For AIXLANG=C;/usr/tivoli/guid/tivguid -Write -New
      • For LinuxLANG=C;/opt/tivoli/guid/tivguid -Write -New
    2. /opt/ibm/director/agent/runtime/agent/bin/endpoint.sh start
    IBM iFor Platform Agent managed systems, restart the platform agent.
    For Common Agent managed systems, perform the following steps:
    1. Run the following command to stop the Platform AgentENDTCPSVR SERVER(*CIMOM)
    2. Run the following command to stop the Common AgentENDTCPSVR SERVER(*HTTP) HTTPSVR(CAS)
    3. Run the following commands:
    4. Use the following command to start the Platform AgentSTRTCPSVR SERVER(*CIMOM)
    5. Use the following command to start the Common AgentSTRTCPSVR SERVER(*HTTP) HTTPSVR(CAS)
    WindowsFor Common Agent managed systems, run the following commands:
    • From the C:\Program Files\tivoli\guid\ directory, run tivguid.exe -Write -New
    • From the C:\Program Files\IBM\Director\bin\ directory, run GENUID.exe
    For Platform Agent managed systems, from the C:\Program Files\IBM\Director\bin\ directory, runGENUID.exe
  4. If the mirrored system does not use SSH, go to step 10.
  5. If you must determine the SSH key, run the following command: ssh-keygen -lf /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub.
  6. If the mirrored system uses SSH, stop ssh:
    AIXRun the following command: stopsrc -s sshd
    LinuxRun one of the following commands:
    • /etc/init.d/sshd stop
    • service sshd stop
    IBM iThe command you must run depends on which version of the operating system you are running. For more information, see IBM Portable Utilities for i.
    WindowsConsult the documentation for the SSH client that you are using.
  7. Delete the SSH host keys:
    AIXLinuxRun the following commands:
    1. rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key
    2. rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
    3. rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
    IBM iThe command syntax depends on which version of the operating system you are running. For more information, see IBM Portable Utilities for i.
    WindowsDelete the following files:
    • C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\etc\ssh_host_rsa_key
    • C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\etc\ssh_host_dsa_key
  8. If your SSH client requires that you explicitly regenerate the SSH host keys, run the commands to regenerate them.
    Note: Some SSH clients require that you run specific commands to regenerate the SSH host keys, but some regenerate the SSH host keys when you restart SSH.
    AIXLinuxRun the following commands:
    Note: In the following commands, " represents two single quotation mark characters (').
    1. /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key -N '' -t rsa1
    2. /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key -N '' -t rsa
    3. /usr/bin/ssh-keygen -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key -N '' -t dsa
    IBM iHow you regenerate the SSH host keys depends on which version of the operating system you are running. For more information, see IBM Portable Utilities for i.
    WindowsDetermine if you must manually regenerate the SSH host keys by consulting the documentation for the SSH client that you are using.
  9. Restart the SSH service:
    AIXRun this command: startsrc -s sshd
    LinuxRun one of the following commands:
    • /etc/init.d/sshd start
    • service sshd start
    IBM iThe command syntax depends on which version of the operating system you are running. For more information, see IBM Portable Utilities for i.
    WindowsConsult the documentation for the SSH client that you are using.
  10. For Platform Agent managed systems and Agentless managed systems, go to the next step.

    For Common Agent managed systems, follow these steps:

    1. Stop IBMSA by running net stop ibmsa. Respond Yes to the prompt that asks to stop tier1slp.
    2. Start IBMSA by running net start ibmsa.
    3. Start Tier1slp by running net start tier1slp.
    4. Start Common Agent Services by running endpoint.bat start, located in this directory:<install_directory>\IBM\Director\agent\runtime\agent\bin\endpoint.bat start.
  11. Run system discovery to discover the cloned system:
    1. In the IBM Systems Director Web interface, click Inventory > System Discovery.
    2. Specify either the IP address or the host name of the cloned system, then click Discover Now.
  12. If the endpoint was incorrectly mirrored previously, other systems must reauthenticate to the newly mirrored system and any other endpoints that might have been merged with it.

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- http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=nas77d16faf83372b0b386257997006f12b1

  이 문제로 10번은 재설치했건만... 버그였다니... ㅎㅎ

Director 6.3 Common Agent 설치 후, Console창에서 'bin/nonstop_aix @/var/opt/tivoli/ep/runtime/nonstop/config/nonstop.properties" 메세지가 계속 반복되는 이슈
     > alog -o -f /var/adm/ras/conslog 로도 확인 가능

cas.agent 에서 발생 > fix는 없으며 work-around로 해결해야 함
1. stopsrc -s cas_agent

2. lssrc -s cas_agent 
     > inoperative 모드로 보여져야 됨

3.  cp /var/opt/tivoli/ep/runtime/nonstop/bin/cas_src.sh /var/opt/tivoli/ep/runtime/nonstop/bin/cas_src.sh.org

4. cas_src.sh의 while 구문을 아래와 같이 수정

while true
    /usr/bin/sleep 10
    /usr/bin/ps -ef | grep nonstop_aix
    # if nonstop_aix is not found then exit
    [ "$?" -ne 0 ] && break
while true
        /usr/bin/sleep 10
        NONSTOP_PID1=`/usr/bin/ps -ef|/usr/bin/grep '\/var\/opt\/tivoli\/ep'|/usr/bin/grep nonstop_aix|/usr/bin/grep -v grep|/usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'`
        NONSTOP_PID2=`/usr/bin/ps -ef|/usr/bin/grep '\/opt\/ibm\/director\/agent'|/usr/bin/grep nonstop_aix|/usr/bin/grep -v grep|/usr/bin/awk '{print $2}'`

        # if nonstop_aix is not found then exit
        if [[ "$NONSTOP_PID1" == "" && "$NONSTOP_PID2" == "" ]]; then


5. startsrc -s cas_agent

블로그 이미지



rset 관련 스크립트

IBM Power 2012. 6. 21. 16:18

--- lsrset ---
#ps -ef| grep 'BMgr' | grep -v grep | awk '{ print "lsrset -v -p "$2 }' | sh -v
ps -ef| egrep 'BMgr|stnx' | grep -v grep | awk '{ print "lsrset -v -p "$2 }' | sh -v

--- attach rset ---
for i in `ps -ef | grep MES | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'`
      attachrset -c $k-$j $i

블로그 이미지



smcli lsresmon -m "[Director Agent][CPU Monitors][Director Agent][DISK Monitors]" -T 4 -n SYSTEM_A
smcli lsresmon -m "[CIM Agent][root/ibmsd][IBMP_Memory]" -n apple
smcli runresmon -m "[Director Agent][CPU Monitors][CPU Utilization],[Director Agent][DISK Monitors][DRIVE C:  Space Used]" -n a1dir

smcli runresmon -m "[Agent][CPU Monitors][CPU Utilization]" -n a1dir
smcli runresmon -m "[CIM Agent][root/PG_InterOp][CIM_PowerManagementService]" -n Apple

smcli runresmon -m "[CIM Agent][root/ibmsd][IBMP_Memory]" -n Apple
smcli lspowerinfo -l
smcli lsbundle | grep power

smcli lspowerinfo -n apple -v
smcli lspowerlast -n apple
smcli lspowerinfo -n apple
smcli lspowerlast -n apple | tail -n 1 | awk -F"\\\," '{print$3}'     > 시간
smcli lspowerlast -n apple | tail -n 1 | awk -F"\\\," '{print$9}'     > Output Power

블로그 이미지



# director server로 부터 subagent 파일 복사...
      > com.ibm.director.im.rf.nim.subagent.zip

# nim서버에서 subagent 설치
# cd /opt/ibm/director/agent/bin
# ./lwiupdatemgr.sh -installFeatures -featureId com.ibm.director.im.rf.nim.subagent -fromSite jar:file:/home/inst_files/agent/CommonAgentSubagent_VMControl_NIM_2.4.0/com.ibm.director.im.rf.nim.subagent.zip\!/site.xml -toSite "file:/var/opt/tivoli/ep/runtime/agent/subagents/eclipse/"
  > /home/inst_files/agent/CommonAgentSubagent_VMControl_NIM_2.4.0/com.ibm.director.im.rf.nim.subagent.zip

블로그 이미지



a1dir:/# smitty hostname
a1dir:/# ulimit -a
time(seconds)        unlimited
file(blocks)         unlimited
data(kbytes)         unlimited
stack(kbytes)        4194304
memory(kbytes)       unlimited
coredump(blocks)     unlimited
nofiles(descriptors) unlimited
threads(per process) unlimited
processes(per user)  unlimited

a1dir:/# oslevel -s

a1dir:/# smitty pgsp
a1dir:/# lsps -a
Page Space      Physical Volume   Volume Group Size %Used Active  Auto  Type Chksum
paging00        hdisk15           rootvg        4096MB     1   yes   yes    lv     0
hd6             hdisk15           rootvg         512MB     2   yes   yes    lv     0

a1dir:/# df -g
Filesystem    GB blocks      Free %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd4           1.00      0.72   29%    11433     7% /
/dev/hd2           4.00      1.19   71%    52697    16% /usr
/dev/hd9var        4.00      3.70    8%     5993     1% /var
/dev/hd3           4.00      3.99    1%       70     1% /tmp
/dev/hd1          16.00     16.00    1%        5     1% /home
/dev/hd11admin      0.12      0.12    1%        7     1% /admin
/proc                 -         -    -         -     -  /proc
/dev/hd10opt      16.00     15.79    2%     8655     1% /opt
/dev/livedump      0.12      0.12    1%        4     1% /var/adm/ras/livedump

a1dir:/# lslpp -L | grep -i openssh
  openssh.base.client    C     F    Open Secure Shell Commands
  openssh.base.server    C     F    Open Secure Shell Server
  openssh.man.en_US    C     F    Open Secure Shell 
  openssh.msg.en_US    C     F    Open Secure Shell Messages -

a1dir:/# smitty install   >   Software Maintenance and Utilities 
    > Remove Installed Software > DirectorCommonAgent, DirectorPlatformAgent 삭제
### cimserver fix 설치 (aix7.1) ###

### System Director PreInstallUtil 수행 ###
### System Director Installation ###
   > a1dir:/# ./dirinstall.server -g

### System Director configAgtMgr.sh ###
### System Director smstart.sh ###

블로그 이미지



--- case1 ---
+. Director 서버 콘솔에서 해당 Agent 시스템 삭제

+. Agent 서버에서 Director 서버 정보 삭제 후, Agent 정보를 Server에 등록하도록 요청
   # cd /opt/ibm/director/agent/runtime/agent/toolkit/bin/
   # ./configure.sh -unmanaged
   # ./configure.sh -amhost -passwd root -force
   # cd /opt/ibm/director/agent/runtime/agent/bin
   # ./agentcli.sh configurator getConfig Registration.Server.Host

   # cd /opt/ibm/director/agent/runtime/agent/bin
   # ./endpoint.sh restart

--- case2 ---
+. Managed Endpoint && Managed System 정보가 일치해야함
 > smcli lsmeps
 > smcli lsmeps -h
 > smcli lssys -A "Protocols"
 > smcli lsresources system 

+. Managed Endpoint && Managed System 가 일치하지 않을 경우, 모두 삭제후 다시 Discover 수행
 > smcli rmmeps
 > smcli rmresource [Guid]  > 'smcli lsresources system ' 로 조회가능

--- case3 ---
+. SSH 프로토콜이 정상적으로 작동하지 않을 경우....
  > ' ssh hscroot@ ' 으로 ssh 상태 체크 후 점검

블로그 이미지



mksysb로 복구된 aix 이미지는 기본적으로 director 관련 프로세스가 service에서 제외되므로 아래와 같이 재기동이 필요
(/etc/inittab 에서 cimservices와 platform_agent 의 : 주석이 제거되야함)

> startsrc -s cimsys
> startsrc -s platform_agent
> /opt/ibm/director/agent/runtime/agent/bin/endpoint.sh start
> smstart

블로그 이미지

