+. FSM 의 ssh key 정리
USERID@FSM-***:~> rm ./.ssh/*
+. 기존에 datasource 와 충돌되는 것이 있는지 확인
USERID@FSM-***:~> smcli lsdatasource
No data sources are available.
+. V7000 관리 콘솔에서 'USERID' 라는 계정 삭제
> 삭제전 반드시 v7000 의 'superuser‘ 계정의 암호를 확인해둬야 함
+. FSM 콘솔에서 아래의 명령 수행
> smcli manageV7000 -p <password_for_superuser> -i <Flex_System_V7000_IP_address>
USERID@FSM-***:~> smcli manageV7000 -p passw0rd -i
DNZFM2273I Generating SSH keys for admin using command: " su USERID -c "ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' -f /home/USERID/.ssh/id_rsaV7000 ""
DNZFM2275I SSH public key for admin was generated successfully
DNZFM2268I Pushing the SSH public key for admin to the V7000 storage node using the command: " su superuser -c "scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null /home/USERID/.ssh/id_rsaV7000.pub superuser@ ""
DNZFM2275I SSH public key for admin was generated successfully
DNZFM2278I Assigned SSH public key file to admin.
DNZFM2279I Issue "mkdatasource" command: " /usr/smrshbin/smcli mkdatasource -c svc -f /home/USERID/.ssh/id_rsaV7000 -v V7000 -i"
DNZFM2284I Waiting for storage device managed endpoint to be created.
DNZFM2270I V7000 with management address: "" was managed succesfully.