Ansible quick start

DevOps 2020. 1. 15. 17:50


+. SSH Setup 


$ sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config


PermitRootLogin yes

PasswordAuthentication yes


$ sudo service ssh restart

$ ssh-keygen 

          --> /home/tomcat/.ssh/ansible/id_rsa

$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ansible/id_rsa root@      (managed node user & host)

          --> copying 'public key' to remote server's 'authorized_keys

$ ssh 'root@'  

$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ansible/id_rsa tomcat@    (managed node user & host)






+. SSH Setup - using different key files for each server


$ ssh-keygen

   -> /home/tomcat/.ssh/ansible/id_rsa

$ ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/ansible/id_rsa

$ ssh




+. Inventory file - simple example #01
















+. Ansible ping


$ ansible all -m ping -i ./e-hosts

   => SSH password error : set 'host_key_checking' to 'false'


      $ sudo vi /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg

      $ host_key_checking = False




+. 'Missing sudo password' error



$ sudo visudo









+. Playbook example #01 (ansible-playbook -i ../inv/local-hosts ../playbook/os-setup.yml)


### ************************************************************************************* ###


#- hosts: all

- hosts: localhost

  become: true

#  vars_files:

#    - vars/default.yml


#   --- default.yml ---

#   ---

#   create_user: sammy

#   copy_local_key: "{{ lookup('file', lookup('env','HOME') + '/.ssh/') }}"

#   sys_packages: [ 'curl', 'vim', 'git', 'ufw']

#   --------------------



    - name: Install Prerequisites

      apt: name=aptitude update_cache=yes state=latest force_apt_get=yes


  # Sudo Group Setup

    - name: Make sure we have a 'wheel' group (create if not exists)


        name: wheel

        state: present


    - name: Allow 'wheel' group to have passwordless sudo


        path: /etc/sudoers

        state: present

        regexp: '^%wheel'

        line: '%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'

        validate: '/usr/sbin/visudo -cf %s'


  # User + Key Setup

    - name: Create a new regular user with sudo privileges


        name: "ansible01"

        state: present

        groups: wheel,tomcat

        append: true

        create_home: true

        shell: /bin/bash


#    - name: Set authorized key for remote user

#      authorized_key:

#        user: "ansible01"

#        state: present

#        key: "{{ copy_local_key }}"


    - name: Disable password authentication for root


        path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config

        state: present

        regexp: '^#?PermitRootLogin'

        line: 'PermitRootLogin prohibit-password'


#    - name: Add apt repository for Chrome

    - apt_repository:

        repo: deb stable main

        state: present

        filename: google-chrome



  # Install Packages

    - name: Update apt

      apt: update_cache=yes


    - name: Install required system packages

      apt: name=nmon,htop state=latest


# # UFW Setup

#    - name: UFW - Allow SSH connections

#      ufw:

#        rule: allow

#        name: OpenSSH


#    - name: UFW - Deny all other incoming traffic by default

#      ufw:

#        state: enabled

#        policy: deny

#        direction: incoming



# Remote shell execution

# #

    - name: Create script test directory

      become: true

      become_user: root


         path: /opt/dev/ansible/tmp_work/ansible_filetest_01

         state: directory

         mode: "u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rwx"


    - name: Change to target directory & generate shell script.

      become: true

      become_user: tomcat


         cmd: echo "echo \"Exec by Ansible\"" > ; echo "date" >> ; chmod u+x  ; sleep 1

         chdir: /opt/dev/ansible/tmp_work/ansible_filetest_01


    - name: Execute shell script.

      become: true

      become_user: tomcat

      shell: /opt/dev/ansible/tmp_work/ansible_filetest_01/ >> ansible_test_log01.txt


         chdir: /opt/dev/ansible/tmp_work/ansible_filetest_01


# # SCP file copy from master to remote : define remote server to 'host' & defile source-master- to 'delegate_to' -> 'delegate_to' executes transfer process.

    - name: SCP file copy from master to remote.

      become: true

      become_user: root


         src: /opt/dev/ansible/tmp_work/transfer_files

         dest: /opt/dev/ansible/tmp_work/ansible_filetest_01

      delegate_to: localhost


    - name: Copy local file

      become: true

      become_user: tomcat


        src: /opt/dev/ansible/tmp_work/transfer_files/src.txt

        dest: /opt/dev/ansible/tmp_work/transfer_files/src_copied.txt


#     - name: Remove script test file

#       become: true

#       become_user: root

#       file:

#          path: /opt/dev/ansible/tmp_work/ansible_filetest_01

#          state: absent




# # Disabling warnings

# - name: Using curl to connect to a host via SOCKS proxy (unsupported in uri). Ordinarily this would throw a warning.

#   shell: curl --socks5 localhost:9000

#   args:

#     warn: no

### ************************************************************************************* ###




+. Playbook example #02 (ansible-playbook -i ../inv/local-hosts ../playbook/docker-ops.yml)


### ************************************************************************************* ###

# # !!!


#- hosts: all

- hosts: localhost

  become: true



#     - name: Remove container from all networks

#       docker_container:

#         name: ansible-docker-test

#         state: absent

#         purge_networks: yes


    - name: Create Docker container


        name: ansible-docker-test

        image: ubuntu:18.04

        recreate: yes

        command: bash

        detach: true

        interactive: true

        tty: true


    - name: add docker container to inventory


        name: ansible-docker-test

        ansible_connection: docker


- hosts: ansible-docker-test

  gather_facts: false



    - name: update apt cache

      delegate_to: ansible-docker-test

      raw: apt -y update


    - name: install python

      delegate_to: ansible-docker-test

      raw: apt -y install python-minimal


#     - name: demonstrate that normal ansible modules work

#       file:

#         path: /etc/testdir

#         state: directory


    - name: Install python on docker

      delegate_to: ansible-docker-test

      raw: apt -y update && apt install -y python-minimal

### ************************************************************************************* ###





+. Playbook example #03 (


### ************************************************************************************* ###

- name: Create a data container


    name: mydata

    image: busybox


      - /data


- name: Re-create a redis container


    name: myredis

    image: redis

    command: redis-server --appendonly yes

    state: present

    recreate: yes


      - 6379


      - mydata


- name: Restart a container


    name: myapplication

    image: someuser/appimage

    state: started

    restart: yes


     - "myredis:aliasedredis"


     - "/dev/sda:/dev/xvda:rwm"


     - "8080:9000"

     - ""


        SECRET_KEY: "ssssh"

        # Values which might be parsed as numbers, booleans or other types by the YAML parser need to be quoted

        BOOLEAN_KEY: "yes"


- name: Container present


    name: mycontainer

    state: present

    image: ubuntu:14.04

    command: sleep infinity


- name: Stop a container


    name: mycontainer

    state: stopped


- name: Start 4 load-balanced containers


    name: "container{{ item }}"

    recreate: yes

    image: someuser/anotherappimage

    command: sleep 1d

  with_sequence: count=4


- name: remove container


    name: ohno

    state: absent


- name: Syslogging output


    name: myservice

    image: busybox

    log_driver: syslog


      syslog-address: tcp://my-syslog-server:514

      syslog-facility: daemon

      # NOTE: in Docker 1.13+ the "syslog-tag" option was renamed to "tag" for

      # older docker installs, use "syslog-tag" instead

      tag: myservice


- name: Create db container and connect to network


    name: db_test

    image: "postgres:latest"


      - name: "{{ docker_network_name }}"


- name: Start container, connect to network and link


    name: sleeper

    image: ubuntu:14.04


      - name: TestingNet

        ipv4_address: ""


          - sleepyzz


          - db_test:db

      - name: TestingNet2


- name: Start a container with a command


    name: sleepy

    image: ubuntu:14.04

    command: ["sleep", "infinity"]


- name: Add container to networks


    name: sleepy


      - name: TestingNet



          - sleeper

      - name: TestingNet2



- name: Update network with aliases


    name: sleepy


      - name: TestingNet


          - sleepyz

          - zzzz


- name: Remove container from one network


    name: sleepy


      - name: TestingNet2

    purge_networks: yes


- name: Remove container from all networks


    name: sleepy

    purge_networks: yes


- name: Start a container and use an env file


    name: agent

    image: jenkinsci/ssh-slave

    env_file: /var/tmp/jenkins/agent.env


- name: Create a container with limited capabilities


    name: sleepy

    image: ubuntu:16.04

    command: sleep infinity


      - sys_time


      - all


- name: Finer container restart/update control


    name: test

    image: ubuntu:18.04


      arg1: "true"

      arg2: "whatever"


      - /tmp:/tmp


      image: ignore   # don't restart containers with older versions of the image

      env: strict   # we want precisely this environment

      volumes: allow_more_present   # if there are more volumes, that's ok, as long as `/tmp:/tmp` is there


- name: Finer container restart/update control II


    name: test

    image: ubuntu:18.04


      arg1: "true"

      arg2: "whatever"


      '*': ignore  # by default, ignore *all* options (including image)

      env: strict   # except for environment variables; there, we want to be strict


- name: Start container with healthstatus


    name: nginx-proxy

    image: nginx:1.13

    state: started


      # Check if nginx server is healthy by curl'ing the server.

      # If this fails or timeouts, the healthcheck fails.

      test: ["CMD", "curl", "--fail", ""]

      interval: 1m30s

      timeout: 10s

      retries: 3

      start_period: 30s


- name: Remove healthcheck from container


    name: nginx-proxy

    image: nginx:1.13

    state: started


      # The "NONE" check needs to be specified

      test: ["NONE"]


- name: start container with block device read limit


    name: test

    image: ubuntu:18.04

    state: started


      # Limit read rate for /dev/sda to 20 mebibytes per second

      - path: /dev/sda

        rate: 20M


      # Limit read rate for /dev/sdb to 300 IO per second

      - path: /dev/sdb

        rate: 300

### ************************************************************************************* ###



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