+. ssh configuration
>> cluster생성시 ssh와 scp type을 사용할 경우, 아래와 같이 ssh key를 먼저 등록해야 함
(lpar11g) # ssh lpar21g >> exit (key만 생성 -> /.ssh 디렉토리가 생성됨)
(lpar11g) # ssh-keygen -t rsa >> 엔터만 치고 실행완료
(lpar11g) # cat /.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> /.ssh/authorized_keys (자신의 public key도 넣어주어야함)
(lpar11g) # ' cat /.ssh/id_rsa.pub ' 명령으로 생성된 내용을 (lpar12g) 서버의 /.ssh/authorized_keys 파일에 추가
>>> lpar21g에서도 동일한 작업 반복
+. rsh configuration
+. basic configuration scripts
### fs re-size
chfs -a size=+512M /
chfs -a size=+1G /usr
chfs -a size=+1G /var
chfs -a size=+512M /tmp
chfs -a size=+1G /home
chfs -a size=+512M /opt
### IO state
chdev -l sys0 -a iostat=true
### Disk Attr
while [ ${ins} -le 42 ]
chdev -l hdisk${ins} -a pv=yes
chdev -l hdisk${ins} -a reserve_policy=no_reserve
### Time sync
setclock lpar11 ; date ; rsh lpar11 date
### hushlogin (turn off the login msg)
touch /.hushlogin
+. .profile
lpar11:/# cat .profile
export GPFS_HOME=/usr/lpp/mmfs
export PS1=`hostname -s`':$PWD# '
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:${GPFS_HOME}/bin:${PATH}
set -o vi
banner `hostname`
+. /etc/hosts
#-- team 1 (multi-cluster #1) lpar11 lpar21 lpar11g lpar21g
#-- team 2 (multi-cluster #2) lpar12 lpar22 lpar12g lpar22g
+. lslpp -l gpfs*
>> 기본 fileset외에 patch를 같이 깔아줘야 기동이 됨 (fixcentral)
ex. GPFS > 기동않됨 -> GPFS 로 update 후 기동
+. cluster configuration file
# cat /home/gpfs/gpfs.allnodes
# >> 구문 >> NodeName:NodeDesignations:AdminNodeName (NodeDesignations와 AdminNodeName은 optional)
>> NodeDesignations 항목은 'manager|client'-'quorum|nonquorum' 으로 지정
>> manager|client - 'file system manager'의 pool에 넣을 건지의 여부 (default는 client)
>> quorum|nonquorum - default는 noquorum
# >> quorum의 max는 8개이며, 모든 quorum 은 tiebreak disk에 대해서 access가 가능해야 함
# >> lpar11_gpfs, lpar21_gpfs > should be register to /etc/hosts
>> private/public network 모두 가능하나, 당연히 private network 권장(subnet을 나누기를 권장)
# >> 일반적인 RAC구성에서는 모든 노드를 guorum-manager로 구성
+. gpfs cluster creation - 사전 정의된 nodelist 파일을 이용 #1
# mmcrcluster -n /home/gpfs/gpfs.allnodes -p lpar11g -s lpar21g -C gpfs_cluster -r /usr/bin/ssh -R /usr/bin/scp
# >> ssh 와 scp type으로 설치시 private network의 hostname으로 지정되어야 password관련 문제가 없음
# >> -n : node description file
>> -p : primary node
>> -s : secondary node
>> -C : cluster name
>> -r : remote shell (default 는 rsh)
>> -R : remote copy (default 는 rcp)
+. mmlscluster
+. license agreement (gpfs3.3+)
# mmchlicense server --accept -N lpar11g,lpar21g
+. gpfs 기동 및 status check
# mmstartup -a
# mmgetstate -a
Node number Node name GPFS state
1 lpar11g active
2 lpar21g active
# mmlscluster
GPFS cluster information
GPFS cluster name: gpfs_cluster.lpar11g
GPFS cluster id: 1399984813853589142
GPFS UID domain: gpfs_cluster.lpar11g
Remote shell command: /usr/bin/rsh
Remote file copy command: /usr/bin/rcp
GPFS cluster configuration servers:
Primary server: lpar11g
Secondary server: lpar21g
Node Daemon node name IP address Admin node name Designation
1 lpar11g lpar11g quorum-manager
2 lpar21g lpar21g quorum-manager
+. gpfs cluster creation - 사전 정의된 nodelist 파일을 이용 (man mmaddnode) #2
# mmcrcluster -N lpar11g:manager-quorum -p lpar11g -r /usr/bin/ssh -r /usr/bin/scp
# mmaddnode -N lpar21g
# mmchcluster -s lpar21g
# mmchnode -N lpar21g --client --nonquorum
# mmchnode -N lpar21g --manager --quorum
# mmlscluster
>> 삭제는 mmdelnode -N lpar21g
>> Primary Node와 Secondary Node는 삭제가 불가능
+. cluster 내 node의 기동 및 종료
# mmstartup -a / mmshutdown -a
# mmstartup -N lpar21g / mmshutdown -N lpar21g
# mmgetstate -a / mmgetstate -N lpar21g
# mmgetstate -a
Node number Node name GPFS state
1 lpar11g active
2 lpar21g active
+. gpfs cluster관련 log
# tail -f /var/adm/ras/mmfs.log.latest
+. NSD Configuration
# cat /home/gpfs/gpfs.clusterDisk
>> [NSD로 사용할 Disk]:[Primary Server]:[Backup Server]:[Disk Usage]:[Failure Group]:[Desired NSD Name]:[Storage Pool]
>> [NSD로 사용할 Disk] - '/dev/hdisk3' 형태로도 지정 가능
[Primary Server] && [Backup Server]
- cluster내에서 I/O를 수행하는 Primary && Backup Server
- cluster의 node들이 SAN으로 연결되어 있고, 모두 같은 disk를 공유할 경우 >> 이 두항목을 Blank로 비워둬야 함
- case 1) (lpar11g 와 lpar21g 가 san으로 연결되고 GPFS server로 작동) && (lpar12g 는 san 연결없이 client 로 작동)
-> lpar12g에서 nsd의 위치를 알 수 없기 때문에....
와 같이 정의하고, lpar12g는 node추가시 client로 등록
case 2) lpar11g 와 lpar21g 가 san으로 연결되고 GPFS server && client 로 작동
-> 모든 server와 client에서 nsd에 직접 접근이 가능하므로...
와 같이 정의해도 됨.
[Disk Usage]
- 'dataOnly|metadataOnly|dataAndMetadata|descOnly'
- system pool의 경우 dataAndMetadata 가 default && storage pool은 dataOnly 가 default
[Desired NSD Name] - cluster내에서 unique 해야하며, 미지정시 'gpfs1nsd' 와 같은 형식으로 생성됨
# mmcrnsd -F /home/gpfs/gpfs.clusterDisk
# mmlsnsd
File system Disk name NSD servers
(free disk) nsd1 (directly attached)
(free disk) nsd2 (directly attached)
(free disk) nsd3 (directly attached)
(free disk) nsd4 (directly attached)
(free disk) nsd5 (directly attached)
(free disk) nsd6 (directly attached)
(free disk) nsd7 (directly attached)
# mmdelnsd nsd7
>> 삭제 후 개별 NSD 추가는 gpfs.clusterDisk2 파일을 추가로 생성 후, mmcrnsd -F gpfs.clusterDisk2 로 수행
+. tiebreak disk 설정
# mmshutdown -a
# mmchconfig tiebreakerDisks=nsd7
>> Tiebreaker disk를 1개만 설정할 경우...
# mmchconfig tiebreakerDisks=no
# mmchconfig tiebreakerDisks='nsd5;nsd6;nsd7'
>> Tiebreaker disk는 3개이상을 권장하며, 3-node이상에서는 tiebreaker disk가 불필요
# mmlsconfig | grep tiebreakerDisks
tiebreakerDisks nsd5;nsd6;nsd7
+. gpfs file system 생성
# cp /home/gpfs/gpfs.clusterDisk /home/gpfs/gpfs.clusterDisk.fs
>> /home/gpfs/gpfs.clusterDisk.fs 에서 nsd1, nsd2, nsd3, nsd4 외의 항목삭제
# mmcrfs /gpfs fs1 -F /home/gpfs/gpfs.clusterDisk.fs -A yes -B 512k -n 16
>> '/gpfs' : mount point
>> 'fs1' : device name (filesystem name) > '/dev/fs1' 처럼 주기도 함
>> '-F' /home/gpfs/gpfs.clusterDisk.fs : filesystem으로 등록할 NSD 정의 (mmcrnsd하면 자동으로 생성됨)
>> '-A yes' : mmstartup시 automount 여부
>> '-B 512k' : block size로 16k~1MB까지 설정가능. Oracle은 일반적으로 256k(512k)를 권장하나,
file size가 작은 그룹웨어나 이메일 시스템은 block size를 작게 설정해야함
>> '-n 16' : 파일시스템을 사용할 노드의 개수, 한번 설정하면 수정이 불가능하므로 여유를 둬서 크게 설정할 것
# mmmount all -a
# mmlsfs fs1
flag value description
------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------
-f 8192 Minimum fragment size in bytes
-i 512 Inode size in bytes
-I 16384 Indirect block size in bytes
-m 1 Default number of metadata replicas
-M 2 Maximum number of metadata replicas
-r 1 Default number of data replicas
-R 2 Maximum number of data replicas
-j cluster Block allocation type
-D nfs4 File locking semantics in effect
-k all ACL semantics in effect
-n 32 Estimated number of nodes that will mount file system
-B 262144 Block size
-Q none Quotas enforced
none Default quotas enabled
--filesetdf no Fileset df enabled?
-V 13.01 ( File system version
--create-time Mon Nov 26 14:08:51 2012 File system creation time
-u yes Support for large LUNs?
-z no Is DMAPI enabled?
-L 4194304 Logfile size
-E yes Exact mtime mount option
-S no Suppress atime mount option
-K whenpossible Strict replica allocation option
--fastea yes Fast external attributes enabled?
--inode-limit 67584 Maximum number of inodes
-P system Disk storage pools in file system
-d nsd1;nsd2;nsd3;nsd4 Disks in file system
--perfileset-quota no Per-fileset quota enforcement
-A yes Automatic mount option
-o none Additional mount options
-T /gpfs Default mount point
--mount-priority 0 Mount priority
# mmdf fs1
disk disk size failure holds holds free KB free KB
name in KB group metadata data in full blocks in fragments
--------------- ------------- -------- -------- ----- -------------------- -------------------
Disks in storage pool: system (Maximum disk size allowed is 98 GB)
nsd1 10485760 -1 yes yes 10440704 (100%) 488 ( 0%)
nsd2 10485760 -1 yes yes 10440448 (100%) 248 ( 00%)
nsd3 10485760 -1 yes yes 10440960 (100%) 248 ( 00%)
nsd4 10485760 -1 yes yes 10440192 (100%) 472 ( 0%)
------------- -------------------- -------------------
(pool total) 41943040 41762304 (100%) 1456 ( 00%)
============= ==================== ===================
(total) 41943040 41762304 (100%) 1456 ( 00%)
Inode Information
Number of used inodes: 4038
Number of free inodes: 63546
Number of allocated inodes: 67584
Maximum number of inodes: 67584
+. gpfs filesystem nsd disk 관리
# mmlsfs all
File system attributes for /dev/fs1:
flag value description
------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------
-f 8192 Minimum fragment size in bytes
-i 512 Inode size in bytes
-I 16384 Indirect block size in bytes
-m 1 Default number of metadata replicas
-M 2 Maximum number of metadata replicas
-r 1 Default number of data replicas
-R 2 Maximum number of data replicas
-j cluster Block allocation type
-D nfs4 File locking semantics in effect
-k all ACL semantics in effect
-n 16 Estimated number of nodes that will mount file system
-B 262144 Block size
-Q none Quotas enforced
none Default quotas enabled
--filesetdf no Fileset df enabled?
-V 13.01 ( File system version
--create-time Mon Nov 26 14:08:51 2012 File system creation time
-u yes Support for large LUNs?
-z no Is DMAPI enabled?
-L 4194304 Logfile size
-E yes Exact mtime mount option
-S no Suppress atime mount option
-K whenpossible Strict replica allocation option
--fastea yes Fast external attributes enabled?
--inode-limit 67584 Maximum number of inodes
-P system Disk storage pools in file system
-d nsd1;nsd2;nsd3;nsd4 Disks in file system
--perfileset-quota no Per-fileset quota enforcement
-A yes Automatic mount option
-o none Additional mount options
-T /gpfs Default mount point
--mount-priority 0 Mount priority
# mmlsdisk fs1
disk driver sector failure holds holds storage
name type size group metadata data status availability pool
------------ -------- ------ ------- -------- ----- ------------- ------------ ------------
nsd1 nsd 512 -1 yes yes ready up system
nsd2 nsd 512 -1 yes yes ready up system
nsd3 nsd 512 -1 yes yes ready up system
nsd4 nsd 512 -1 yes yes ready up system
# mmdeldisk fs1 nsd4
>> 'fs1' filesystem에서 'nsd4' disk 제거
Deleting disks ...
GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 1 ...
GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully.
GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 2 ...
GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully.
GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 3 ...
GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully.
GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 4 ...
GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully.
GPFS: 6027-565 Scanning user file metadata ...
100.00 % complete on Mon Nov 26 17:05:54 2012
GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully.
Checking Allocation Map for storage pool 'system'
GPFS: 6027-370 tsdeldisk64 completed.
mmdeldisk: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all
affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.
# mmunmount /gpfs -N lpar21g
# mmunmount /gpfs -a
# mmdelfs fs1
>> 'fs1' filesystem 자체를 삭제
GPFS: 6027-573 All data on following disks of fs1 will be destroyed:
GPFS: 6027-574 Completed deletion of file system /dev/fs1.
mmdelfs: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all
affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.
+. GPFS 운영 및 관리 (Administration)
# mmlsmgr fs1
# mmchmgr fs1 lpar21g
GPFS: 6027-628 Sending migrate request to current manager node (lpar11g).
GPFS: 6027-629 Node (lpar11g) resigned as manager for fs1.
GPFS: 6027-630 Node (lpar21g) appointed as manager for fs1.
# mmlsmgr fs1
file system manager node [from (lpar21g)]
---------------- ------------------
fs1 (lpar21g)
# mmchconfig autoload=yes
>> system 기동시 자동으로 gpfs daemon 기동
mmchconfig: Command successfully completed
mmchconfig: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all
affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.
# mmlsconfig | grep autoload
autoload yes
# mmfsadm dump config
>> GPFS 파라미터 모두 조회
# mmfsadm dump config | grep pagepool
pagepool 536870912
pagepoolMaxPhysMemPct 75
pagepoolPageSize 65536
pagepoolPretranslate 0
+. Storage Pools, Filesets and Policies
+. clean-up test env
# mmumount all -a ; mmdelfs fs1 ; mmdelnsd "nsd1;nsd2;nsd3;nsd4"
>> 'nsd5;nsd6;nsd7' 의 tiebreaker disk는 그대로 유지
+. create nsd
# cat /home/gpfs/gpfs.clusterDisk.storagePool
# mmcrnsd -F /home/gpfs/gpfs.clusterDisk.storagePool
mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk1
mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk2
mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk3
mmcrnsd: Processing disk hdisk4
mmcrnsd: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all
affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.
# mmcrfs /gpfs fs1 -F /home/gpfs/gpfs.clusterDisk.storagePool -A yes -B 512k -n 16
GPFS: 6027-531 The following disks of fs1 will be formatted on node lpar11:
nsd1: size 10485760 KB
nsd2: size 10485760 KB
nsd3: size 10485760 KB
nsd4: size 10485760 KB
GPFS: 6027-540 Formatting file system ...
GPFS: 6027-535 Disks up to size 103 GB can be added to storage pool 'system'.
GPFS: 6027-535 Disks up to size 103 GB can be added to storage pool 'pool1'.
Creating Inode File
Creating Allocation Maps
Creating Log Files
Clearing Inode Allocation Map
Clearing Block Allocation Map
Formatting Allocation Map for storage pool 'system'
Formatting Allocation Map for storage pool 'pool1'
GPFS: 6027-572 Completed creation of file system /dev/fs1.
mmcrfs: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all
affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.
# mmlsfs fs1
# mmmount /gpfs -a
# mmdf fs1
disk disk size failure holds holds free KB free KB
name in KB group metadata data in full blocks in fragments
--------------- ------------- -------- -------- ----- -------------------- -------------------
Disks in storage pool: system (Maximum disk size allowed is 96 GB)
nsd1 10485760 -1 yes yes 10427904 ( 99%) 976 ( 0%)
nsd2 10485760 -1 yes yes 10428416 ( 99%) 992 ( 0%)
------------- -------------------- -------------------
(pool total) 20971520 20856320 ( 99%) 1968 ( 0%)
Disks in storage pool: pool1 (Maximum disk size allowed is 96 GB)
nsd3 10485760 -1 no yes 10483200 (100%) 496 ( 0%)
nsd4 10485760 -1 no yes 10483200 (100%) 496 ( 0%)
------------- -------------------- -------------------
(pool total) 20971520 20966400 (100%) 992 ( 0%)
============= ==================== ===================
(data) 41943040 41822720 (100%) 2960 ( 0%)
(metadata) 20971520 20856320 ( 99%) 1968 ( 0%)
============= ==================== ===================
(total) 41943040 41822720 (100%) 2960 ( 0%)
Inode Information
Number of used inodes: 4022
Number of free inodes: 63562
Number of allocated inodes: 67584
Maximum number of inodes: 67584
+. create fileset
# mmcrfileset fs1 fileset1
Snapshot 'fileset1' created with id 1.
# mmcrfileset fs1 fileset2
Snapshot 'fileset2' created with id 2.
# mmcrfileset fs1 fileset3
Snapshot 'fileset3' created with id 3.
# mmcrfileset fs1 fileset4
Snapshot 'fileset4' created with id 4.
# mmcrfileset fs1 fileset5
Snapshot 'fileset5' created with id 5.
# mmlsfileset fs1
Filesets in file system 'fs1':
Name Status Path
root Linked /gpfs
fileset1 Unlinked --
fileset2 Unlinked --
fileset3 Unlinked --
fileset4 Unlinked --
fileset5 Unlinked --
# mmlinkfileset fs1 fileset1 -J /gpfs/fileset1
Fileset 'fileset1' linked at '/gpfs/fileset1'.
# mmlinkfileset fs1 fileset2 -J /gpfs/fileset2
Fileset 'fileset2' linked at '/gpfs/fileset2'.
# mmlinkfileset fs1 fileset3 -J /gpfs/fileset3
Fileset 'fileset3' linked at '/gpfs/fileset3'.
# mmlinkfileset fs1 fileset4 -J /gpfs/fileset4
Fileset 'fileset4' linked at '/gpfs/fileset4'.
# mmlinkfileset fs1 fileset5 -J /gpfs/fileset5
Fileset 'fileset5' linked at '/gpfs/fileset5'.
# mmlsfileset fs1
Filesets in file system 'fs1':
Name Status Path
root Linked /gpfs
fileset1 Linked /gpfs/fileset1
fileset2 Linked /gpfs/fileset2
fileset3 Linked /gpfs/fileset3
fileset4 Linked /gpfs/fileset4
fileset5 Linked /gpfs/fileset5
+. file placement policy
# cat /home/gpfs/placementpolicy.txt
/* The fileset does not matter, we want all .dat and .DAT files to go to pool1 */
RULE 'datfiles' SET POOL 'pool1' WHERE UPPER(name) like '%.DAT'
/* All non *.dat files placed in fileset5 will go to pool1 */
RULE 'fs5' SET POOL 'pool1' FOR FILESET ('fileset5')
/* Set a default rule that sends all files not meeting the other criteria to the system pool */
RULE 'default' set POOL 'system'
# mmchpolicy fs1 /home/gpfs/placementpolicy.txt
Validated policy `placementpolicy.txt': parsed 3 Placement Rules, 0 Restore Rules, 0 Migrate/Delete/Exclude Rules,
0 List Rules, 0 External Pool/List Rules
GPFS: 6027-799 Policy `placementpolicy.txt' installed and broadcast to all nodes.
# mmlspolicy fs1 -L
/* The fileset does not matter, we want all .dat and .DAT files to go to pool1 */
RULE 'datfiles' SET POOL 'pool1' WHERE UPPER(name) like '%.DAT'
/* All non *.dat files placed in fileset5 will go to pool1 */
RULE 'fs5' SET POOL 'pool1' FOR FILESET ('fileset5')
/* Set a default rule that sends all files not meeting the other criteria to the system pool */
RULE 'default' set POOL 'system'
+. placement policy test
>> 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/gpfs/fileset1/bigfile1 bs=64k count=1000' 수행 전후 결과를 mmdf fs1 으로 비교
>> system pool 에 file 이 입력됨 (default rule)
>> 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/gpfs/fileset1/bigfile1.dat bs=64k count=1000' 수행 전후 결과를 mmdf fs1 으로 비교
>> pool1 에 file 이 입력됨 (datfiles rule)
>> 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/gpfs/fileset5/bigfile2 bs=64k count=1000' 수행 전후 결과를 mmdf fs1 으로 비교
>> pool1 에 file 이 입력됨 (fs5 rule)
>> 'mmlsattr -L /gpfs/fileset5/bigfile2' 처럼 mmlsattr 명령으로도 확인 가능
# mmdf fs1
disk disk size failure holds holds free KB free KB
name in KB group metadata data in full blocks in fragments
--------------- ------------- -------- -------- ----- -------------------- -------------------
Disks in storage pool: system (Maximum disk size allowed is 96 GB)
nsd1 10485760 -1 yes yes 10427904 ( 99%) 976 ( 0%)
nsd2 10485760 -1 yes yes 10427392 ( 99%) 992 ( 0%)
------------- -------------------- -------------------
(pool total) 20971520 20855296 ( 99%) 1968 ( 0%)
Disks in storage pool: pool1 (Maximum disk size allowed is 96 GB)
nsd3 10485760 -1 no yes 10483200 (100%) 496 ( 0%)
nsd4 10485760 -1 no yes 10483200 (100%) 496 ( 0%)
------------- -------------------- -------------------
(pool total) 20971520 20966400 (100%) 992 ( 0%)
============= ==================== ===================
(data) 41943040 41821696 (100%) 2960 ( 0%)
(metadata) 20971520 20855296 ( 99%) 1968 ( 0%)
============= ==================== ===================
(total) 41943040 41821696 (100%) 2960 ( 0%)
Inode Information
Number of used inodes: 4027
Number of free inodes: 63557
Number of allocated inodes: 67584
Maximum number of inodes: 67584
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/gpfs/fileset1/bigfile1 bs=64k count=1000
1000+0 records in.
1000+0 records out.
# mmdf fs1
disk disk size failure holds holds free KB free KB
name in KB group metadata data in full blocks in fragments
--------------- ------------- -------- -------- ----- -------------------- -------------------
Disks in storage pool: system (Maximum disk size allowed is 96 GB)
nsd1 10485760 -1 yes yes 10395648 ( 99%) 1472 ( 0%)
nsd2 10485760 -1 yes yes 10395136 ( 99%) 992 ( 0%)
------------- -------------------- -------------------
(pool total) 20971520 20790784 ( 99%) 2464 ( 0%)
Disks in storage pool: pool1 (Maximum disk size allowed is 96 GB)
nsd3 10485760 -1 no yes 10483200 (100%) 496 ( 0%)
nsd4 10485760 -1 no yes 10483200 (100%) 496 ( 0%)
------------- -------------------- -------------------
(pool total) 20971520 20966400 (100%) 992 ( 0%)
============= ==================== ===================
(data) 41943040 41757184 (100%) 3456 ( 0%)
(metadata) 20971520 20790784 ( 99%) 2464 ( 0%)
============= ==================== ===================
(total) 41943040 41757184 (100%) 3456 ( 0%)
Inode Information
Number of used inodes: 4028
Number of free inodes: 63556
Number of allocated inodes: 67584
Maximum number of inodes: 67584
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/gpfs/fileset1/bigfile1.dat bs=64k count=1000
1000+0 records in.
1000+0 records out.
# mmdf fs1
disk disk size failure holds holds free KB free KB
name in KB group metadata data in full blocks in fragments
--------------- ------------- -------- -------- ----- -------------------- -------------------
Disks in storage pool: system (Maximum disk size allowed is 96 GB)
nsd1 10485760 -1 yes yes 10395648 ( 99%) 1472 ( 0%)
nsd2 10485760 -1 yes yes 10395136 ( 99%) 976 ( 0%)
------------- -------------------- -------------------
(pool total) 20971520 20790784 ( 99%) 2448 ( 0%)
Disks in storage pool: pool1 (Maximum disk size allowed is 96 GB)
nsd3 10485760 -1 no yes 10451456 (100%) 496 ( 0%)
nsd4 10485760 -1 no yes 10450944 (100%) 496 ( 0%)
------------- -------------------- -------------------
(pool total) 20971520 20902400 (100%) 992 ( 0%)
============= ==================== ===================
(data) 41943040 41693184 ( 99%) 3440 ( 0%)
(metadata) 20971520 20790784 ( 99%) 2448 ( 0%)
============= ==================== ===================
(total) 41943040 41693184 ( 99%) 3440 ( 0%)
Inode Information
Number of used inodes: 4029
Number of free inodes: 63555
Number of allocated inodes: 67584
Maximum number of inodes: 67584
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/gpfs/fileset5/bigfile2 bs=64k count=1000
1000+0 records in.
1000+0 records out.
lpar11:/home/gpfs# mmdf fs1
disk disk size failure holds holds free KB free KB
name in KB group metadata data in full blocks in fragments
--------------- ------------- -------- -------- ----- -------------------- -------------------
Disks in storage pool: system (Maximum disk size allowed is 96 GB)
nsd1 10485760 -1 yes yes 10395648 ( 99%) 1456 ( 0%)
nsd2 10485760 -1 yes yes 10395136 ( 99%) 976 ( 0%)
------------- -------------------- -------------------
(pool total) 20971520 20790784 ( 99%) 2432 ( 0%)
Disks in storage pool: pool1 (Maximum disk size allowed is 96 GB)
nsd3 10485760 -1 no yes 10419200 ( 99%) 496 ( 0%)
nsd4 10485760 -1 no yes 10419200 ( 99%) 496 ( 0%)
------------- -------------------- -------------------
(pool total) 20971520 20838400 ( 99%) 992 ( 0%)
============= ==================== ===================
(data) 41943040 41629184 ( 99%) 3424 ( 0%)
(metadata) 20971520 20790784 ( 99%) 2432 ( 0%)
============= ==================== ===================
(total) 41943040 41629184 ( 99%) 3424 ( 0%)
Inode Information
Number of used inodes: 4030
Number of free inodes: 63554
Number of allocated inodes: 67584
Maximum number of inodes: 67584
# mmlsattr -L /gpfs/fileset1/bigfile1
file name: /gpfs/fileset1/bigfile1
metadata replication: 1 max 2
data replication: 1 max 2
immutable: no
appendOnly: no
storage pool name: system
fileset name: fileset1
snapshot name:
creation Time: Tue Nov 27 11:28:29 2012
Windows attributes: ARCHIVE
# mmlsattr -L /gpfs/fileset1/bigfile1.dat
file name: /gpfs/fileset1/bigfile1.dat
metadata replication: 1 max 2
data replication: 1 max 2
immutable: no
appendOnly: no
storage pool name: pool1
fileset name: fileset1
snapshot name:
creation Time: Tue Nov 27 11:33:36 2012
Windows attributes: ARCHIVE
# mmlsattr -L /gpfs/fileset5/bigfile2
file name: /gpfs/fileset5/bigfile2
metadata replication: 1 max 2
data replication: 1 max 2
immutable: no
appendOnly: no
storage pool name: pool1
fileset name: fileset5
snapshot name:
creation Time: Tue Nov 27 11:35:55 2012
Windows attributes: ARCHIVE
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/gpfs/fileset3/bigfile3 bs=64k count=1000
1000+0 records in.
1000+0 records out.
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/gpfs/fileset4/bigfile4 bs=64k count=1000
1000+0 records in.
1000+0 records out.
+. file management with policy
# cat /home/gpfs/managementpolicy.txt
RULE 'datfiles' DELETE WHERE UPPER(name) like '%.DAT'
RULE 'bigfiles' MIGRATE TO POOL 'pool1' WHERE UPPER(name) like 'BIG%'
# mmapplypolicy fs1 -P /home/gpfs/managementpolicy.txt -I test
>> 지정된 policy에 대해 Test 수행
[I] GPFS Current Data Pool Utilization in KB and %
pool1 133120 20971520 0.634766%
system 308736 20971520 1.472168%
[I] 4032 of 67584 inodes used: 5.965909%.
[I] Loaded policy rules from /home/gpfs/managementpolicy.txt.
Evaluating MIGRATE/DELETE/EXCLUDE rules with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP = 2012-11-27@02:53:48 UTC
parsed 0 Placement Rules, 0 Restore Rules, 2 Migrate/Delete/Exclude Rules,
0 List Rules, 0 External Pool/List Rules
RULE 'datfiles' DELETE WHERE UPPER(name) like '%.DAT'
RULE 'bigfiles' MIGRATE TO POOL 'pool1' WHERE UPPER(name) like 'BIG%'
[I]2012-11-27@02:53:49.218 Directory entries scanned: 11.
[I] Directories scan: 5 files, 6 directories, 0 other objects, 0 'skipped' files and/or errors.
[I]2012-11-27@02:53:49.231 Sorting 11 file list records.
[I] Inodes scan: 5 files, 6 directories, 0 other objects, 0 'skipped' files and/or errors.
[I]2012-11-27@02:53:49.303 Policy evaluation. 11 files scanned.
[I]2012-11-27@02:53:49.315 Sorting 5 candidate file list records.
[I]2012-11-27@02:53:49.323 Choosing candidate files. 5 records scanned.
[I] Summary of Rule Applicability and File Choices:
Rule# Hit_Cnt KB_Hit Chosen KB_Chosen KB_Ill Rule
0 1 64000 1 64000 0 RULE 'datfiles' DELETE WHERE(.)
1 4 256000 3 192000 0 RULE 'bigfiles' MIGRATE TO POOL 'pool1' WHERE(.)
[I] Filesystem objects with no applicable rules: 6.
[I] GPFS Policy Decisions and File Choice Totals:
Chose to migrate 192000KB: 3 of 4 candidates;
Chose to premigrate 0KB: 0 candidates;
Already co-managed 0KB: 0 candidates;
Chose to delete 64000KB: 1 of 1 candidates;
Chose to list 0KB: 0 of 0 candidates;
0KB of chosen data is illplaced or illreplicated;
Predicted Data Pool Utilization in KB and %:
pool1 261120 20971520 1.245117%
system 116736 20971520 0.556641%
# mmapplypolicy fs1 -P /home/gpfs/managementpolicy.txt
[I] GPFS Current Data Pool Utilization in KB and %
pool1 133120 20971520 0.634766%
system 308736 20971520 1.472168%
[I] 4032 of 67584 inodes used: 5.965909%.
[I] Loaded policy rules from /home/gpfs/managementpolicy.txt.
Evaluating MIGRATE/DELETE/EXCLUDE rules with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP = 2012-11-27@02:54:46 UTC
parsed 0 Placement Rules, 0 Restore Rules, 2 Migrate/Delete/Exclude Rules,
0 List Rules, 0 External Pool/List Rules
RULE 'datfiles' DELETE WHERE UPPER(name) like '%.DAT'
RULE 'bigfiles' MIGRATE TO POOL 'pool1' WHERE UPPER(name) like 'BIG%'
[I]2012-11-27@02:54:47.697 Directory entries scanned: 11.
[I] Directories scan: 5 files, 6 directories, 0 other objects, 0 'skipped' files and/or errors.
[I]2012-11-27@02:54:47.708 Sorting 11 file list records.
[I] Inodes scan: 5 files, 6 directories, 0 other objects, 0 'skipped' files and/or errors.
[I]2012-11-27@02:54:47.727 Policy evaluation. 11 files scanned.
[I]2012-11-27@02:54:47.759 Sorting 5 candidate file list records.
[I]2012-11-27@02:54:47.761 Choosing candidate files. 5 records scanned.
[I] Summary of Rule Applicability and File Choices:
Rule# Hit_Cnt KB_Hit Chosen KB_Chosen KB_Ill Rule
0 1 64000 1 64000 0 RULE 'datfiles' DELETE WHERE(.)
1 4 256000 3 192000 0 RULE 'bigfiles' MIGRATE TO POOL 'pool1' WHERE(.)
[I] Filesystem objects with no applicable rules: 6.
[I] GPFS Policy Decisions and File Choice Totals:
Chose to migrate 192000KB: 3 of 4 candidates;
Chose to premigrate 0KB: 0 candidates;
Already co-managed 0KB: 0 candidates;
Chose to delete 64000KB: 1 of 1 candidates;
Chose to list 0KB: 0 of 0 candidates;
0KB of chosen data is illplaced or illreplicated;
Predicted Data Pool Utilization in KB and %:
pool1 261120 20971520 1.245117%
system 116736 20971520 0.556641%
[I]2012-11-27@02:54:50.399 Policy execution. 4 files dispatched.
[I] A total of 4 files have been migrated, deleted or processed by an EXTERNAL EXEC/script;
0 'skipped' files and/or errors.
+. External Pool Management
# cat /home/gpfs/expool1.ksh
dt=`date +%h%d%y-%H_%M_%S`
echo one $1
if [[ $1 == 'MIGRATE' ]];then
echo Filelist
echo There are `cat $2 | wc -l ` files that match >> ${result}
cat $2 >> ${results}
echo ----
echo - The file list report has been placed in ${results}
echo ----
# cat /home/gpfs/listrule1.txt
RULE EXTERNAL POOL 'externalpoolA' EXEC '/home/gpfs/expool1.ksh'
# mmapplypolicy fs1 -P /home/gpfs/listrule1.txt
[I] GPFS Current Data Pool Utilization in KB and %
pool1 261120 20971520 1.245117%
system 116736 20971520 0.556641%
[I] 4031 of 67584 inodes used: 5.964429%.
[I] Loaded policy rules from /home/gpfs/listrule1.txt.
Evaluating MIGRATE/DELETE/EXCLUDE rules with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP = 2012-11-27@04:09:22 UTC
parsed 0 Placement Rules, 0 Restore Rules, 1 Migrate/Delete/Exclude Rules,
0 List Rules, 1 External Pool/List Rules
RULE EXTERNAL POOL 'externalpoolA' EXEC '/home/gpfs/expool1.ksh'
one TEST
[I]2012-11-27@04:09:23.436 Directory entries scanned: 10.
[I] Directories scan: 4 files, 6 directories, 0 other objects, 0 'skipped' files and/or errors.
[I]2012-11-27@04:09:23.447 Sorting 10 file list records.
[I] Inodes scan: 4 files, 6 directories, 0 other objects, 0 'skipped' files and/or errors.
[I]2012-11-27@04:09:23.474 Policy evaluation. 10 files scanned.
[I]2012-11-27@04:09:23.501 Sorting 4 candidate file list records.
[I]2012-11-27@04:09:23.503 Choosing candidate files. 4 records scanned.
[I] Summary of Rule Applicability and File Choices:
Rule# Hit_Cnt KB_Hit Chosen KB_Chosen KB_Ill Rule
0 4 256000 4 256000 0 RULE 'MigToExt' MIGRATE TO POOL 'externalpoolA' WHERE(.)
[I] Filesystem objects with no applicable rules: 6.
[I] GPFS Policy Decisions and File Choice Totals:
Chose to migrate 256000KB: 4 of 4 candidates;
Chose to premigrate 0KB: 0 candidates;
Already co-managed 0KB: 0 candidates;
Chose to delete 0KB: 0 of 0 candidates;
Chose to list 0KB: 0 of 0 candidates;
0KB of chosen data is illplaced or illreplicated;
Predicted Data Pool Utilization in KB and %:
pool1 5120 20971520 0.024414%
system 116736 20971520 0.556641%
one MIGRATE27@04:09:23.505 Policy execution. 0 files dispatched. \.......
There are 4 files that match
- The file list report has been placed in /tmp/FileReport_Nov2712-04_09_23
[I]2012-11-27@04:09:23.531 Policy execution. 4 files dispatched.
[I] A total of 4 files have been migrated, deleted or processed by an EXTERNAL EXEC/script;
0 'skipped' files and/or errors.
# more /tmp/FileReport_Nov2712-04_09_23
47621 65538 0 -- /gpfs/fileset1/bigfile1
47623 65538 0 -- /gpfs/fileset5/bigfile2
47624 65538 0 -- /gpfs/fileset3/bigfile3
47625 65538 0 -- /gpfs/fileset4/bigfile4
+. Replication (file 단위/filesystem 단위)
# mmlsfs fs1 -mrMR
>> Replication 정보를 확인. 만일 Replication 이 없을 경우는...
>> mmcrfs /gpfs fs1 -F pooldesc.txt -B 64k
flag value description
------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------
-m 1 Default number of metadata replicas
-r 1 Default number of data replicas
-M 2 Maximum number of metadata replicas
-R 2 Maximum number of data replicas
# mmlsdisk fs1
disk driver sector failure holds holds storage
name type size group metadata data status availability pool
------------ -------- ------ ------- -------- ----- ------------- ------------ ------------
nsd1 nsd 512 -1 yes yes ready up system
nsd2 nsd 512 -1 yes yes ready up system
nsd3 nsd 512 -1 no yes ready up pool1
nsd4 nsd 512 -1 no yes ready up pool1
# mmchdisk fs1 change -d "nsd1::::1::"
Verifying file system configuration information ...
mmchdisk: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all
affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.
# mmchdisk fs1 change -d "nsd2::::2::"
Verifying file system configuration information ...
mmchdisk: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all
affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.
# mmchdisk fs1 change -d "nsd3::::3::"
Verifying file system configuration information ...
mmchdisk: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all
affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.
# mmchdisk fs1 change -d "nsd4::::4::"
Verifying file system configuration information ...
mmchdisk: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all
affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.
# mmlsdisk fs1
disk driver sector failure holds holds storage
name type size group metadata data status availability pool
------------ -------- ------ ------- -------- ----- ------------- ------------ ------------
nsd1 nsd 512 1 yes yes ready up system
nsd2 nsd 512 2 yes yes ready up system
nsd3 nsd 512 3 no yes ready up pool1
nsd4 nsd 512 4 no yes ready up pool1
GPFS: 6027-740 Attention: Due to an earlier configuration change the file system
is no longer properly replicated.
# mmdf fs1
disk disk size failure holds holds free KB free KB
name in KB group metadata data in full blocks in fragments
--------------- ------------- -------- -------- ----- -------------------- -------------------
Disks in storage pool: system (Maximum disk size allowed is 96 GB)
nsd1 10485760 1 yes yes 10427392 ( 99%) 1440 ( 0%)
nsd2 10485760 2 yes yes 10427392 ( 99%) 976 ( 0%)
------------- -------------------- -------------------
(pool total) 20971520 20854784 ( 99%) 2416 ( 0%)
Disks in storage pool: pool1 (Maximum disk size allowed is 96 GB)
nsd3 10485760 3 no yes 10356224 ( 99%) 496 ( 0%)
nsd4 10485760 4 no yes 10354176 ( 99%) 496 ( 0%)
------------- -------------------- -------------------
(pool total) 20971520 20710400 ( 99%) 992 ( 0%)
============= ==================== ===================
(data) 41943040 41565184 ( 99%) 3408 ( 0%)
(metadata) 20971520 20854784 ( 99%) 2416 ( 0%)
============= ==================== ===================
(total) 41943040 41565184 ( 99%) 3408 ( 0%)
Inode Information
Number of used inodes: 4031
Number of free inodes: 63553
Number of allocated inodes: 67584
Maximum number of inodes: 67584
+. file 단위로 replication 하기
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/gpfs/fileset1/bigfile0 bs=64k count=1000
# mmlsattr -L /gpfs/fileset1/bigfile0
file name: /gpfs/fileset1/bigfile0
metadata replication: 1 max 2
data replication: 1 max 2
immutable: no
appendOnly: no
storage pool name: system
fileset name: fileset1
snapshot name:
creation Time: Tue Nov 27 13:29:47 2012
Windows attributes: ARCHIVE
# mmchattr -m 2 -r 2 /gpfs/fileset1/bigfile0
# mmlsattr -L /gpfs/fileset1/bigfile0
file name: /gpfs/fileset1/bigfile0
metadata replication: 2 max 2
data replication: 2 max 2
immutable: no
appendOnly: no
flags: unbalanced
storage pool name: system
fileset name: fileset1
snapshot name:
creation Time: Tue Nov 27 13:29:47 2012
Windows attributes: ARCHIVE
+. file system 단위로 replication 하기
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/gpfs/fileset1/bigfile1 bs=64k count=1000
# mmlsattr -L /gpfs/fileset1/bigfile1
file name: /gpfs/fileset1/bigfile1
metadata replication: 1 max 2
data replication: 1 max 2
immutable: no
appendOnly: no
storage pool name: pool1
fileset name: fileset1
snapshot name:
creation Time: Tue Nov 27 11:28:29 2012
Windows attributes: ARCHIVE
# mmchfs fs1 -m 2 -r 2
>> filesystem에 대한 replication 속성을 2로 변경
>> 변경이후로 생성되는 file은 replication이 2개로 바로 생성되나,
>> filesystem 변경이전의 file들은 mmrestripefs 를 해주어야만 replication이 반영됨
# mmlsattr -L /gpfs/fileset1/bigfile1
file name: /gpfs/fileset1/bigfile1
metadata replication: 1 max 2
data replication: 1 max 2
immutable: no
appendOnly: no
storage pool name: pool1
fileset name: fileset1
snapshot name:
creation Time: Tue Nov 27 11:28:29 2012
Windows attributes: ARCHIVE
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/gpfs/fileset1/bigfile2 bs=64k count=1000
# mmlsattr -L /gpfs/fileset1/bigfile2
file name: /gpfs/fileset1/bigfile2
metadata replication: 2 max 2
data replication: 2 max 2
immutable: no
appendOnly: no
storage pool name: system
fileset name: fileset1
snapshot name:
creation Time: Tue Nov 27 13:38:29 2012
Windows attributes: ARCHIVE
# mmrestripefs fs1 -R
>> filesystem 변경이전의 file들은 mmrestripefs 를 해주어야만 replication이 반영됨
GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 1 ...
GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully.
GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 2 ...
Scanning file system metadata for pool1 storage pool
GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully.
GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 3 ...
GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully.
GPFS: 6027-589 Scanning file system metadata, phase 4 ...
GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully.
GPFS: 6027-565 Scanning user file metadata ...
100.00 % complete on Tue Nov 27 13:39:04 2012
GPFS: 6027-552 Scan completed successfully.
# mmlsattr -L /gpfs/fileset1/bigfile1
file name: /gpfs/fileset1/bigfile1
metadata replication: 2 max 2
data replication: 2 max 2
immutable: no
appendOnly: no
flags: unbalanced
storage pool name: pool1
fileset name: fileset1
snapshot name:
creation Time: Tue Nov 27 11:28:29 2012
Windows attributes: ARCHIVE
+. Snapshot
# echo "hello world:snap1" > /gpfs/fileset1/snapfile1
# mmcrsnapshot fs1 snap1
Writing dirty data to disk
Quiescing all file system operations
Writing dirty data to disk again
Resuming operations.
Checking fileset ...
# echo "hello world:snap2" >> /gpfs/fileset1/snapfile1
# mmcrsnapshot fs1 snap2
Writing dirty data to disk
Quiescing all file system operations
Writing dirty data to disk again
Resuming operations.
Checking fileset ...
# mmlssnapshot fs1
>> fs1 파일시스템에 생성된 snapshot
Snapshots in file system fs1:
Directory SnapId Status Created
snap1 1 Valid Tue Nov 27 13:43:56 2012
snap2 2 Valid Tue Nov 27 13:45:19 2012
# cat /gpfs/.snapshots/snap1/fileset1/snapfile1
# cat /gpfs/.snapshots/snap2/fileset1/snapfile1
>> snapshot data는 해당 filesystem 의 .snapshot 아래에 저장됨
# rm /gpfs/fileset1/snapfile1
# cp /gpfs/.snapshots/snap2/fileset1/snapfile1 /gpfs/fileset1/snapfile1
>> snapshot 복원
# mmdelsnapshot fs1 snap1
# mmdelsnapshot fs1 snap2
>> 저장된 snapshot 제거
# mmlssnapshot fs1
+. GPFS Multi-Cluster
> http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/systems/library/es-multiclustergpfs/
> 'All intercluster communication is handled by the GPFS daemon, which internally uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL).'
(cluster1-lpar11g) # mmauth genkey new
Generating RSA private key, 512 bit long modulus
e is 65537 (0x10001)
writing RSA key
mmauth: Command successfully completed
(cluster1-lpar11g) # mmshutdown -a
(cluster1-lpar11g) # mmauth update . -l AUTHONLY
Verifying GPFS is stopped on all nodes ...
mmauth: Command successfully completed
(cluster1-lpar11g) # mmstartup -a
(cluster1-lpar11g) # rcp lpar11g:/var/mmfs/ssl/id_rsa.pub lpar12g:/tmp/lpar11g_id_rsa.pub
(cluster2-lpar12g) # mmauth genkey new
(cluster2-lpar12g) # mmshutdown -a
(cluster2-lpar12g) # mmauth update . -l AUTHONLY
(cluster2-lpar12g) # mmstartup -a
(cluster2-lpar12g) # rcp lpar12g:/var/mmfs/ssl/id_rsa.pub lpar11g:/tmp/lpar12g_id_rsa.pub
(cluster1-lpar11g) # mmauth add gpfs_cluster2.lpar12g -k /tmp/lpar12g_id_rsa.pub
>> gpfs_cluster2.lpar12g 와 같이 cluster의 node이름을 같이 지정해야 함
>> mmauth 로 생성된 id_rsa.pub 파일을 확인
mmauth: Command successfully completed
(cluster1-lpar11g) # mmauth grant gpfs_cluster2.lpar12g -f /dev/fs1
mmauth: Granting cluster gpfs_cluster2.lpar12g access to file system fs1:
access type rw; root credentials will not be remapped.
mmauth: Command successfully completed
(cluster2-lpar12g) # mmremotecluster add gpfs_cluster.lpar11g -n lpar11g,lpar21g -k /tmp/lpar11g_id_rsa.pub
>> "-n lpar11g,lpar21g" : gpfs_cluster.lpar11g 에 포함된 node list
mmremotecluster: Command successfully completed
mmremotecluster: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all
affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.
(cluster2-lpar12g) # mmremotefs add remotefs -f fs1 -C gpfs_cluster.lpar11g -T /remotefs
>> cluster2 에서 gpfs_cluster.lpar11g 클러스터의 fs1을 file system에 추가
mmremotefs: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all
affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.
# mmchconfig opensslibname="/usr/lib/libssl.a(libssl64.so.0.9.8)" -N r07s6vlp1
(cluster2-lpar12g) # mmremotecluster show all
Cluster name: gpfs_cluster.lpar11g
Contact nodes: lpar11g,lpar21g
SHA digest: 7dcff72af5b5d2190ebe471e20bcfe8897d0e1cb
File systems: remotefs (fs1)
(cluster2-lpar12g) # mmremotefs show all
Local Name Remote Name Cluster name Mount Point Mount Options Automount Drive Priority
remotefs fs1 gpfs_cluster.lpar11g /remotefs rw no - 0
(cluster2-lpar12g) # mmmount remotefs
(cluster2-lpar12g) # mmdf remotefs
*. multicluster 구성시 꼬여서... gpfs cluster가 기동되지 않고, '6027-2114' 에러가 나는 경우...
>>> cipherList 를 reset하면 됨
# mmchconfig cipherList=""
# mmauth show all
Cluster name: gCluster5.lpar15 (this cluster)
Cipher list: (none specified)
SHA digest: (undefined)
File system access: (all rw)
+. GPFS Call-back method
# cat /home/gpfs/nodedown.sh
echo "Logging a node leave event at: `date` " >> /home/gpfs/log/nodedown.log
echo "The event occurred on node:" $1 >> /home/gpfs/log/nodedown.log
echo "The quorum nodes are:" $2 >> /home/gpfs/log/nodedown.log
# rcp lpar11g:/home/gpfs/nodedown.sh lpar21g:/home/gpfs/
# rsh lpar21g chmod u+x /home/gpfs/nodedown.sh
# mmaddcallback NodeDownCallback --command /home/gpfs/nodedown.sh --event nodeLeave --parms %eventNode --parms %quorumNodes
mmaddcallback: 6027-1371 Propagating the cluster configuration data to all
affected nodes. This is an asynchronous process.
# mmlscallback
command = /home/gpfs/nodedown.sh
event = nodeLeave
parms = %eventNode %quorumNodes
# mmshutdown -N lpar21g ; cat /home/gpfs/log/nodedown.log
'Cluster FileSystem' 카테고리의 다른 글
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GPFS FAQ on developerworks #1 (Mar 27, 2009) (0) | 2012.12.04 |