Systems Director
Director 6.3 IP 주소 변경
2012. 6. 21. 15:36
- Stop Systems Director with: smstop
Change the IP address and DNS server, of course, to match. Reboot the Systems Director AIX server - this might not have been necessary but I wanted to flush out the old address and get the virtual machine resynchronised with the HMC etc. When AIX reboots, it automatically restart Systems Director too. Finally, wait a bit! I waited an hour but that might have been overkill but it was time for lunch.
>> 요약하면...
'Director 종료' > 'IP 변경' > 'AIX 재기동' > '기다림(1시간이상???)' > 끝
이라는건데... ㅎㅎ