Systems Director

Director 6.3 IP 주소 변경

Melting 2012. 6. 21. 15:36


  1. Stop Systems Director with: smstop
  2. Change the IP address and DNS server, of course, to match.
  3. Reboot the Systems Director AIX server - this might not have been necessary but I wanted to flush out the old address and get the virtual machine resynchronised with the HMC etc.
  4. When AIX reboots, it automatically restart Systems Director too.
  5. Finally, wait a bit!   I waited an hour but that might have been overkill but it was time for lunch.
Systems Director spots the change of IP address and automatically goes round each of the endpoints updating it with the new ISD AIX server IP address.

>> 요약하면...
    'Director 종료' > 'IP 변경' > 'AIX 재기동' > '기다림(1시간이상???)' > 끝
     이라는건데... ㅎㅎ